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Lithium Sulphate

Product: Lithium Sulphate

CAS: 10377-48-7

Synonym: Dilithium sulfate; Sulfuric acid, lithium salt

Appearance: White crystalline solid

Density: 2.22 g/cm3

Melting point: 845 °C


We offer Lithium Sulphate in both anhydrous and monohydrate grades



Lithium sulfate, an inorganic compound, has various industrial applications owing to its unique properties:

Chemical Synthesis: Lithium sulfate is used as a reactant or catalyst in various chemical synthesis reactions, particularly in the production of lithium compounds, pharmaceuticals, and specialty chemicals. 

Electrolytes: Lithium sulfate solutions are employed in certain types of batteries, such as lithium-sulfur dioxide batteries, as electrolytes to facilitate ion transport and electron flow. 

Water Treatment: It can be used in water treatment processes as a flocculating agent and coagulant to remove suspended solids and impurities from wastewater and industrial effluents. 

Hygroscopic Agent: It is utilized as a hygroscopic agent in laboratory and industrial settings to absorb moisture and maintain dry conditions. 

Adhesives: Lithium sulfate may be added to adhesives and sealants to improve viscosity, tackiness, and adhesive strength, enhancing bonding performance.

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